Don’t Nix the IX
Title IX
Isn’t the Superbowl way past that?

If you were anything like me, “Title IX” is insignificant and confusing. However, once I knew what it was, it became a whole lot more important.
The Winona RE Initiative Group on campus, a group committed raising awareness of gender based violence (GBV) issues and educating individuals on related issues. The latest campaign, in alliance with their Take Back the Night event and film screening of “the Hunting Ground”, is focused on spreading awareness on Title IX and its importance.
Indeed. is a website dedicated to educating the public of what Title IX is, what it does, and who it involves. In addition to being a valuable information source, the site also provides guidelines for reporting, getting involved, and other statutes that deal with gender based violence.
In short, campuses, as well as secondary schools, are responsible for ensuring the safety of all it’s occupants from sex discrimination, sexual harassment and/or violence and is responsible for reacting, enforcing and investigating all cases in a manner that will not bring further harm to the complainant.
Here's are some quick summaries of what Title IX includes.
- Sex discrimination of any sort in any and all public education systems is forbidden.
- Schools must reasonably accommodate the victim to ensure safety, such as a no contact directive or changes in various schedules or living hall. The school must also provide counseling, class or housing switch, adjustment of extracurricular or campus job schedules fee of additional cost to the victim.
- Students, staff, and faculty of ALL sexes, gender identities, and gender expression are protected from sexual harassment or violence, or sex discrimination.
- Schools are forbidden to take action against an individual who has or is filing a complaint and is responsible for protecting the student filing against any harmful behavior directed towards that individual as a result of the complaint.
- Schools cannot prevent a victim of sexual violence from taking legal action against the accused. It is also forbidden that the school initiate or allow for mediation between the complainant and the accused.
- Institutions must have a documented reaction plan to IMMEDIATELY address and correct any sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence occurring at the school within the allotted time frame.
With the many sexual violence cases that have been reported this past year alone, such as that of Emily Sulkowicz and Lena Sclove, as well the voices of male victims, it’s becoming more clear why not only Title IX itself is important, but the education and awareness of its existence and scope.

Emily Sulkowicz carrying her mattress at Columbia University
The Re Initiative plans on launching its Title IX campaign in April, which happens to be Sexual Assault Awareness month. This is an issue that’s not going away, and Gender Based Violence is never an easy topic to discuss. However, big props for the RE Initiative and its members for taking it upon themselves to open up and create the much needed discussion on GBV and to spread awareness. Ending gender based violence is a topic that needs ALL of our voices.
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