Saturday, December 3, 2011

Snowwww is everywhere!!

Lyric: "Oh no I've said to much, I haven't said enough." Losing My Religion- R.E.M. but posted because of Dia Frampton's cover, which I am completely in love with.

Worked out at work today(the new job referenced in thankfuls) and man it is hard work!!   Is it weird that I am hoping I'll be sore tomorrow?? Solely for the reason that it will have meant that I worked out hard!!  If you want it you gotta work for it; Most definitely the truth.  And that is the base of my thought today:  That dream job, those rock hard abs, that dream guy, whatever you want to achieve, it isn't going to come for free and there's never a guarantee it will be easy.   But if you want it bad enough, you'll find a way to make it happen.  In the end, all the hard work and long hours you put in will make your accomplishment that much sweeter.  "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." -A Cinderella Story.  The fear of failure or rejection is always on our minds because everyone HATES the feeling that accompanies it.  But if we allow that fear to become the dominant emotion, we hold ourselves back from fantastic possibilities.

Quirkle: LOVE cherries, HATE maraschino ones. blech

Thankfuls: New Job!
Will power
oreos pb and banana x)

Bright Spots: Oreo with a slice of banana and peanutbutter, mashed between the chocolate with the creme= BLISS
Big Beautiful snowflakes
Meeting the guy my dad used to work for when I was a wee child
Worked out! I know it's shocking x)

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