Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day One....this should be interesting

Starting a blog sounded super appealing so I decided, "Heck, why not?!"  So warning ahead of time, this may be a little rough...
What this blog is about:  Well as you may imagine from the title, it's kind of covering EVERYTHING, from fashion to recipes, to tips and thoughts/ideas.  There will probably even be *gasp* pictures! Which just makes everything more exciting.
  Things that will be constant are "Thankfuls'" and "Bright Spots."  Bright Spots are just little things that made my day and Thankfuls....self explanatory.  Things will probably change a bit once I get into the swing of things but it's going to be a choppy start so hang tight!

My newest addiction: Pinterest! Basically it's an online pin-board where you "pin" various postings or images to different "boards you've created, each with a different catergory.  For example, I have a "Inspirational & Wisdomosity" board that contains various quotes or advice that I enjoy. Warning though, it's extremely addictive, moreso than I dare say it...Facebook!! :O

Understanding friends
Reminders of what's important

Bright Spots:
My brother's weird antics, including, but not limited to, slapping each other and fascination with carwashes.
Cleaning my room/making my bed (MAJOR achievement)

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