Sunday, November 27, 2011

Run Run Run....Or that's what I need to do at least


Hm hm hm....well today I want to talk about the easiest way to a) beautify yourself, b)make others happier, c) make you happier and c) be a friendlier, more approachable person.  This wondrous trick? SMILE!  I noticed it today when we were at El Mezcal (See Bright Spots) when our waitress was serving us.  I'm sure she is a great lovely person, but the fact that I never saw her smile just made her seem down and unfriendly and unapproachable.  It made me reflect on how often do I walk around just frowning or looking unfriendly.  Now don't necessarily walk around grinning as widely as possible at all times of the day.  No that would make you look like a crazed serial killer.  But don't be afraid to smile at someone in the grocery store or when you are making conversation (if the topic is appropriate that is.) Bear those pearly whites! In a friendly non-frightening way that is... ;)

Quirkle: I HATE egg is complete nasty sauce

Thankfuls: Humor
Mexican Food
Green flip flop slippers

Brightspots: Eating at El Mezcal, the most amaaaazing mex place ever
Talking to silly marv x)
matching clothes/colors with the elders in our meeting...hilarious x)

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